Sunday, May 3, 2009

How old is too old to get your ears pierced?

Okay, I know it's been a while. I will copy something the Buckles did on their blog and blog 5 days in a row (I know they did 10 days but I will be gone next weekend on a date and not with my husband).

So, I really didn't just get my ears pierced but for many of you that know me know that I don't really wear a lot of jewelry. Okay, I don't wear any at all. Well, there are just certain occasions (typically weddings) that I would love to put on a pair of earrings for but my ears are just a little too closed up and when I force them through they end up being a bright shade of red. So, I decided that I would re-pierce them myself and wear them like you have to wear "studs" when you first get your ear pierced. I’m not really sure when I finally decided to do this but I do love the reaction when I told Ed that I was going to do this. He loves it when I start my sentence with, Okay, you are totally going to think I’m dumb but I’m going to ……. I do this a lot and it’s always topics of randomness. He loves it!

Back to the ears, I even stopped by Claire's to buy some of their special potion that magically heals your ears. I know that I totally could have just gone and bought rubbing alcohol but that isn't as much fun! I wanted to do a little throw back to Claire’s. Buy the way some of those earrings/stuff in there is hideous.

So, are some of you wondering if I passed out when I re-pierced my ears? Are others of you wondering why I would be asking this questions? Well, the very first time I truly got my ears pierced I totally almost passed out. Yep, got sweaty, pale and was totally out of reality. The ladies at the beauty shop that did it didn't know what to do. And, can you believe this is when they only did one ear at a time. Yep, it was and I was a mess. For some reason my body just reacts weird to things like this. I almost passed out when I got my tattoo too. It's not that I think it hurts at all but my body just doesn't react well to certain things I guess. Maybe it's similar too when I almost pass out giving blood and getting IV's. It's going to be interesting when we have babies. I'll be passing out left and right from stuff. Good times. I think the best was when I actually passed out trying to get an IV when I was in the ER for my appendix. I totally passed out and then woke up to the sheet soaked in my blood and the nurse didn't even get the IV in my arm. Okay, I totally digress from my ear piercing. So, hopefully the next time you see me I will actually be wearing earring and feeling a little girlie!

Talk to you tomorrow! I promise!


  1. fun! I am so with you on not ever wearing earrings and when I do it ends up hurting, I just had to physically force a pair in yesterday to try. Can't wait to hear how this one turns out for you. Good luck with your date this weekend :)

  2. Yeah, I'm hoping to get lucky this weekend! Let's just say that my ears really hurt:)
